Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Addendum to "Singles Going Steady"

It did run, after all, and here's the link:

Singles Going Steady: Blitzen Trapper, Cornelius, Avey Tare & Kria Brekken

Also: it's heartening to see that Stay Free is still up-and-running, in magazine and blog form. I hadn't thought about ex-Matador Records staffer Carrie McLaren's anti-advertising zine in years until last night, when I was reading Christine Harold's Ourspace for a review and came across a reference to it. An impromptu raid and trundle through my stash of old dead tree media turned up....not a damned thing! No Stay Frees in the whole batch, not even the issue where the cover was parodying Volkswagon's late 1990s rainbow-flower-petal-circle of Bugs (or Beetles, I can never remember which exactly), replacing the cars with handguns.

Also: read Matthew Perpetua’s takedown of the “deluxe edition” of B’Day.


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Sorry to potentially dishearten you, but: I swear I read somewhere that the dead tree version of Stay Free! was coming to an end. (That last ish, #25, came out in February '06.)

    It's a shame. I understand the cost limitations and whatnot of printed matter, but it's just not the same.

  2. drat!

    let's hope for a STAY FREE book someday, at the very least!
