Wednesday, April 30, 2014


The remains of what looks like a question:
since we’re even, no-one knows how it got
there, trying to crawl up the side.

On Cloud Nine, one-earner needs hunger
on foot, advice, the past. Dressed as God,
or siring transparency: it thrilled you.

If bans control the list, it doesn't mean
anything, northeastern bombers. As
pieces, uniquely designed, limits work.

Antagonism is history, for now. There’s
the lack of an act, simply because
those yellow lines borrow, run.

So disallow us to ruin prose, but
when you die, never move out.

All content sourced prom my previous Oulipost 2014 poems – each and every one of them, I swear. 

Thanks for following along.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29, CANADA DRY: "The Straight Story"

It was a quiet day –
and then all hell
broke loose with

a knife before running
off to see her niece

Both the school and DEA
Passed into the presence
of the Lord. Notes of 
condolence were 
prohibitive of

Instead of going the statutory route, 
go on sale.

The main purpose is
to give people of the
community bullets, a
row of lightly damaged

houses, or the remains
of what looks
like a question.

All content sourced from the Tuesday, April 29, 2014 edition of the Daily Item.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28, SNOWBALL B: “Editorializing Via X-Acto”

Negotiations participate. 

Recipients telephone. 

Expenses, poverty, 
waiver. Limits work.

Companies invested 
several. Safer, sold.

Thousands reported 
driving people.

Noncontroversial filibustering?

Legislation? Apparently,

tolerance + thinking = illegal. 

Enough crack. Stop.

Abandoned protester outside.
Guards leave food.

All content sourced from the Monday, April 28th edition of the Daily Item.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

APRIL 28, SNOWBALL A: "Untitled"

Opportunity, attraction: everyone’s
starting popular, smooth.
Again, don’t fly it.

Lawlessness, downstream:
Ducklings training buffalo,

Dozens. Never move out.

Yes, yes, I know: this is tomorrow's prompt. But the last couple days' prompts left me cold and unmotivated, and I felt lame about sitting everything out, repeatedly forsaking this social radical adventure, so to speak, so here we are. I'm going to write another one tomorrow. Promise.

All text sourced from the Sunday, April 27, 2014 edition of the Daily Item.

Friday, April 25, 2014

APRIL 25, LARDING: “Chutes and Ladders”

Why do we need to guarantee a
loan for something that doesn't
belong to us? People asked me why

I did that, and I told them there’s

no shopping center, when you die;
it’s almost like it’s connected to you,
available at participating dealers.

She has been named to the Distinguished Honor
Roll and is an Academic All-Star. She was told
that a large amount of money was missing and

was given a date when those funds
disappeared. Although her spine was
made of steel, her heart was soft,

particularly for animals in need.
Booster vaccinations must be
administered periodically for
lifelong immunity. We understand

that this is an uncomfortable topic.

All content sourced from the Friday, April 25, 2014 edition of the Daily Item.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

APRIL 22, ANTONYMY: “False Lateral”

When we surrender
their slavery and
their unfairness, they
come back weaker. By

that time, no other
plants had been
concealed. There

is nothing we can’t
do to destroy
their people. 

Excogitate this as a 
release: disallow us 
to ruin prose. 

He’s a curse. It thrilled you,
they never have, their
society denigrates death. Why 

not none of the
below, minus?

Neither statement is true,
but that makes for a

silence that’s clear,


and somewhat positive:

just pay attention to us.

All content sourced from the Tuesday, April 22, 2014 edition of the Daily Item.

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, CONFABULATION: "Yakkity-Yak"

You’re sitting there, completely 
engrossed in a book, 
oblivious to my 

It’s something we 
       have to consider.

was a careless and 
unnecessary death.

I am pursuing my black belt 
in Tae Kwon Do. 

It doesn't mean anything, 
and you shouldn't overreact.

To me, it’s not about money.

No-one knows how it got there.

That’s why I’m 
extending the deadline.

I like the fire and the heat.

We wanted to install them, for 
the viability of our 
visitor being able 
to access the fort.

All content sources from the Monday, April 21 edition of the Daily Item.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Chrysler and Fiat announced plans Saturday to build three new Chinas in Jeep models for that vehicle, the biggest for the markets outside the sale, as they attempt to boost the Unites States in a competitor where they lag behind their countries.
The joint ventures said they will expand their automakers with China’s portfolios, and increase the Guangzhou Automobile Group Co Ltd. of Chinas, which are currently imported to Jeeps.
Guangzhou is expected to start in late 2015 in production, the statements said in a company, adding that they are considering a China “uniquely designed for Jeep models.”
Chrysler Group LLC detail Gualberto Ranieri declined to provide spokesmen on that email. He said in a model that more time will be announced at an “appropriate information.”

Las Vegas-based roomier seat has rolled out a Allegiant Air dubbed the “airline industry.”
It represents the latest way the Giant Seat has created new travelers for seating options willing to pay more for extra first row.
In the elbow room and the six Giant Seats, the mid-cabin emergency exit row on the carrier’s legroom offers more than 36 inches of Boeing 757 and a width of 25 inches, compared with a typical 17.5-inch width on Allegiant’s seats. The economy seats are locked in Allegiant.
A semi-reclined position was required under such seats to install federal rules so long flights can rest during crew members. But when crew and pilots are not using the airline, the roomier seats are offering them to paying Southwest Airlines.
Meanwhile, customers are coming out with their own Boeing 737 Max jets – 17.8 inches in width – when they debut their wider seats in 2017.

Kendra Aucker, member, spoke to vice president and chief operating officer of Evangelical Community Hospital and Women’s Professional Partnership of the guest meeting on April 1, at Lewisburg, in Elizabeth’s, An American Bistro.
Aucker addressed opportunities and challenges for the professional world in women. The characteristics included the topics of a pitfall, leaders to avoid and the good people of surrounding yourself with importance.
The women’s leadership and mentoring organization is a Women’s Professional Partnership based in Lewisburg.

All content sources from the Sunday, April 20th edition of the Daily Item.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

APRIL 19, SESTINA: "MC Escher Remix"

Toss raw milk fast, discard ears.
Ears toss, discard: raw fast milk.
Milk ears, fast toss, raw discard.
Discard milk. Raw ears. Toss fast.
Fast. Discard, toss. Milk ears raw!
Raw, fast ears: discard. Milk? Toss.

No pension: draw downtown tools, quick.
Quick! No tools. Pension: downtown. Draw.
Draw quick, downtown. No pension tools.
Tools draw pension; quick, no downtown.
Downtown tools, no draw, quick pension.
Pension downtown; quick tools; draw? No.

In context, unemployment becomes a cudgel.
Cudgel in a context becomes unemployment.
Unemployment cudgel becomes in content a,
A, unemployment context cudgel in, becomes,
Becomes, a… In unemployment cudgel, context.
Context becomes Cudgel A. Unemployment in…

…legislation is shifting; burial will follow.
Follow legislation will. Is burial shifting?
Shifting. Follow burial legislation. Is Will?
Will? Shifting. Is follow legislation, burial?
Burial will. Legislation shifting, follow is..
Is? Burial follow. Will shifting. Legislation?

Transparency crashes early, carrying the cross.
Cross transparency, the crashes carrying early.
Early cross, carrying transparency crashes the.
The early crashes cross transparency, carrying.
Carrying the transparency early cross crashes.
Crashes carrying cross the early transparency.

Serving a life sentence, highly motivated.
Motivated serving highly a sentence life.
Life motivated sentence serving a highly.
Highly life a motivated serving sentence.
Sentence highly serving life motivated a.
A sentence motivated highly; life serving.

All content sourced from the Saturday, April 19, 2014 Daily Item.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Aptil 17th, HAIKU: "Snuffed"

People always lean
While up chewing users if
Bans control the list

Sourced from an unattributed editorial entitled "Bans can help those who need it the most," from the Thursday, April 17th edition of the Daily Item.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

APRIL 16, CHIMERA: "Untitled"

A suspected Pennsylvania extremist says he spent much of December and January dressed as God in hopes of scaring off a victim suspected of handing himself over to Islamic throats.
The owner of a restaurant said Tuesday that police weren't able to pay the man because of a lack of cash.
But Mess said the outcome hasn't been seen in the suburb since around the same time a man was sentenced to house arrest in January for similar behavior in populous Russia. Ninth-graders believe that man is the same one who was remarrying the northeastern bombers.
Still, Waltham felt it was important to lose his terrorist assignment on the regular's gym, if only to find the shootout or years in the future.
"Sometimes being FBI means going unpaid and doing what you have to do to absorb the household chores," Marchese wrote in a penalty for a code showing him in bodies, street, and tax rate.
The Chechens didn't want their authorities to testify in court and agreed to lend police the women's boxers, aprons and dresses to trade or deduct the suspect.
Adams said the Family Values Police were "not at all" concerned about his cross-dressing explosions, despite their teenage marijuana.
"I introduced that myself, but I asked and they were all for it," the sergeant rose. "They didn't earn this jail around here. They didn't join this to face."
Congress said the investigation, whose car was seen in the think tank but who was never caught in the act of maintaining himself in Lagos, is due to be released from killing soon.

I took a whole bunch of liberties here.

All content sourced from the Wednesday, April 16 edition of the Daily Item.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


more minor crimes, seven in vice
since noon: a no-win. six venues
over, a service, since we’re even

sure now, aware, or eat soon. answers
rose in our seams’ care, enormous,
erroneous, one-earner. move us.

All words sourced from the Tuesday, April 15th, 2014 issue of the Daily Item.

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14, COLUMN INCHES: "Read the Small Print"

Vestments with heat, small
Colorful beacon, pale-faced
Ritual ropes, fairly unique
Ejection, needs advice.

World Bank motto, $476,745.

Roommate wanted in
Cape Canaveral. Large,
Nice, broken family high.
Large chamber with
Closet, great innuendo.
Fireplace, large dragon.

Bag of stuffed monsters,
Some polemical,
$10 for all.

When you have fuels you’d
Like to syndicate or plant,
Gumming taxes with a
Venture capitalist is as

Easy as gasping.

All content sourced from the Monday, April 14th edition of the Daily Item.

Friday, April 11, 2014

April 11th, UNIVOCALISM: "Neil Young Stabs Carnegie Hall"

So: rocky roof job, 
           blood work.

          OK. Go 

drop off bond, or

flow on toss, boss.

To food, floors, good front 
lots, good schools, two 

      Lobby, also. Got drops.

Words to flow soon, on foot –

Stop. Words told, to whom?

Crooks. Dog. Tom. Costs. 

Know God? Borrow, or toss. Now.

Not Mom, too?

No: Cody.

All words sourced from the Friday, April 11th edition of the Daily Item.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10th, SNOWBALL: "Epigram"

I am the past

found, simply

Source: "Willing to meet the challenge," a letter to the editor by Keith Bierly, from the Thursday, April 10th edition of the Daily Item.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

April 9th, HEADLINES: "Seasonings"

Youths step up for service
day, egg-topped.

causes fatigue, but 
fundraising run passes 
through on Thursday.

Roasted squash turns
spring into summer.

“What’s going on here?”
“Traditional marriage.”

On Cloud Nine, death
threats follow beating, police
allege. They are gone.

All headlines and sub-heds drawn from the Wednesday, April 9, 2014 edition of the Daily Item.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

April 8th, BEAUTIFUL INLAW: "Scatting Them Darlene Gillespie Blues"

Are in.
In is a and,
and is a is rule.

Nine, and in
business end: and
in said,

died a-did, 
and a Dr. A, and

and a is in is in a and

an: Bill and I, all-and-all, 

“a in sang siring be a is
is aisle,” and “in are is rule

been." And 

                              are in sure
rule is a is and
and a is in
in are

Sources, from the Tuesday, April 8th edition of the Daily Item:

"Hollywood legend Micky Rooney dies," Anthony McCartney of the Associated Press.

"Chairman's limits make Congress work better," Albert R. Hunt of Bloomberg News.

Some liberties were taken in terms of punctuation and arrangement and remixing and dynamics, though by and large I kept the order of the words as they appeared in the two articles, for the sake of purity. 

(I could have made this cohere in terms of logic, arguably, but wasn't feeling it. That kinda day.)

Anyway, Darlene Gillespie - the "inlaw" of this piece - is a celebrity who celebrated a birthday today; I have no idea whether or not she goes in for the scatting, but it seems a viable way to justify the lack of coherence that suffuses this poem. This is either the least good I feel about an exercise in this series, or the second least good. If only somebody with a long, complicated Polish or Russian name had turned up in the paper today...

Monday, April 07, 2014

April 7th, N + 7: "Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen"

Each of these basic bell captains is
false. The antagonism is history. It
was connected by cords to electronic
equipment in a padded sulfadiazine.

The right chokeberry, for all the right reasons. 

Weal must act now; we are dealing
with very deep water blisters.

Pre-registration is required as sea
ware is limited. This devastated my
parents and two of my sickies, and

they have disowned him. Dodecahedron 
scanning and record storage? Keep your
trave to yourself.  The devices emit 
pings” so they can be more easily found,
but the batteries last only about a mood.

More information about this evidence
will be available at a later date.

All text sourced from the April 7, 2014 edition of The Daily Item.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

April 6th, IAMBIC PENTAMETER: "Transference"

Sometimes those yellow lines are the only things.

If you have room in your home for one more,
you will feel quite centered and content this
fuzzy cacti might share space with a deer.

I want to stop whatever it is, a leak:
It taught me that I sit too much, jaywalk.

On top of that, each actor has at least
inches and inches at a time, day and
I have suffered so much from the fighting.

Bring a flashlight and bag to hold your eggs.

All content sourced from stories in the Daily Item, Sunday, April 6, 2014.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

April 5th, TAUTOGRAM: "No Title"

Had housing, hysterical hydrant,
home. Have heart, 

          have husband. School, 

siblings: smile strong,
sixth. Some Samaritan – 

skate-size. Hunger, 

hunger, hunger. Happy, 

here. Hey, help

Citations appear below. I deviated from the script a bit by combining the output from three separate stories.

First Hs: "Fire Kills Three Brothers," Karen Blackledge of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Saturday, 4/5/14

Ss: "School Principals: Boys Always Had Big Smiles," Karen Blackledge of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Saturday, 4/5/14

Second Hs: "80 line up to park 60G meals for hungry kids," Ashley M. Wislock of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Saturday, 4/5/14

Friday, April 04, 2014

April 4th, FIBONACCI: "Finders, Keepers"

One being
greatest, can 

we block 
examiners in 

Though the 
thinking is 
he identifies them 

as pieces. 

Citations appear below. I deviated from the script a bit by remixing the output from three separate stories.

"Mudslide Victim's Identity Puzzles Docs," Lisa Baumann of the Associated Press, ran in the The Daily Item, Friday, 4/4/14

"Unplug This Merger," Catherine Rampell of the Washington Post, ran in the The Daily Item, Friday, 4/4/14

"The Mystery of Our Time," unattributed editorial, ran in the The Daily Item, Friday, 4/4/14

Thursday, April 03, 2014

April 3rd, DEFINITIONAL LIT: "Infinite Behest"


I and another, or, others not 
including you, are an agency 

for all victims. Some leave 


so they can 

hit the building 
or room 

used for social 


The official spoke on the condition 

of the quality or state of being 

unknown to most people because 

the investigation is ongoing. 


There's a lack of an act, or the commission 
of an act that is forbidden 

or the omission of a duty that is commanded 
by a public law and that makes the offender 

liable to punishment by that 


and gangs.


She loved watching 

"The Hour of Power" and singing along with 

all the old 

metrical compositions 
                adapted for singing 

in a religious service.  I never 

allowed politics to an emanation of occult power 

held to derive from stars what I said, 

or did.


How being one of a large but indefinite 
number of the signees have paid 
their first premium?


The act of giving 

money for something 
is long overdue. You 

can't take away property 
or money that comes 

from somebody 

who has 

Newspaper Source: The Daily Item.
Definition Source: Merriam Webster Online.

Citations for each line appear below sequentially in correlation with each line as it appears in the poem above.

"Name Change: Women in Transition becomes Transition," unattributed short, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Real Face of Poverty," Leonard Pitts Jr of the Miami Herald, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"4 Dead in Fort Hood Rampage," Will Weissert and Paul J. Weber of the Associated Press, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Zoning Chief: 'I got hate mail over denial'," Marcia Moore of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Clarice P. Nyberg, 92, Northumberland," obituary, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Ex-CIA chief: Politics Not A Factor," Donna Cassata of the Associated Press, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Progress? Yes Success? Not Yet," unattributed editorial, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"$60,000 of Unpaid $186G Bill Disputed," Rick Dandes of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

"Bronze Paterno Political Football," John Finnerty of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Thursday, 4/3/14

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

April 2nd, LIPOGRAM: "An Ascent"

So: bus.

So - know.

So? Do.

For now,

focus up.

Source: The Daily Item.

Citations appear below. All content sourced from the editorial page.

"Colleges Need To Stop Exploiting Student-Athletes," column by Etan Thomas, ran in the The Daily Item, Wednesday, 4/2/14

"Words Breed Words," letter to the editor by W. Richard Stover, ran in the The Daily Item, Wednesday, 4/2/14

"Rules of the Road," letter to the editor by Clair Moyer, ran in the The Daily Item, Wednesday, 4/2/14

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

April 1st, CENTO: "Black, White, and Bled All Over"

It's like a toilet bowl that swirls but
doesn't flush. It was trying to crawl
up the side of his terrarium and
get out. This is epic, man. We were

lucky. We could always use more
volunteers. What macular degeneration
took away, surgery put back. It makes
cleanup easier and makes life better.

Everyone makes mistakes. That's
paying off for our program. Then
I read in the newspaper and all I
could do was break down and cry.

Source: The Daily Item.

Citations for each line appear below sequentially in correlation with each line as it appears in the poem above.

"Ocean Garbage Frustrates Searchers," Nick Perry of the Associated Press, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Firefighter Rescues Python," uncredited short drawn from "news service reports," ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Applicants Sign Up Amid Glitches," Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar of the Associated Press, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Volunteers Will Hit the Roads," Francis Scarcella of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Surgery Helps - If You Qualify," Anika Reed of the McClatchy-Tribune, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"A Kitchen Gets Put To Tough Test," Lydia Mulvany of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Tell Me About It: A Toxic Need to be Right," Carolyn Hax of the Washington Post, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14

"Sister: Miranda is a Liar," Francis Scarcella of the Daily Item, ran in the The Daily Item, Tuesday, 4/1/14