Monday, March 10, 2008


1. Pulling packing boxes, pillows, and Mr. Blankie off of Dad's head when Dad has hidden beneath them in a silly attempt to, in the process, amuse or startle Nodin.

2. Losing his pacifiers while sleeping, causing him to half-awaken in a whiny huff.

3. Being chased around the house by Dad, who is grunting "DUR! DUR! DUR!" is a comic-threatening manner. (Mom's variation on this theme: "Gonna GETCHA! Gonna GETCHA!")

4. Eating breakfast sausage! This kid loves him some breakfast sausage. Like, if there's sausage on the scene, those bits of pancake or biscuit or whatever aren't gettin' eaten, no sirree.

5. Having books read to him, sometimes the same books several times per day. Nodin's especially partial to On The Day You Were Born, The Very Hungry Catepillar, and one about the Wiggles that's supposed to teach kids about reading and setting clocks. It's rewarding beyond words to watch his face light up when he's handed you a book and you've opened it and started reading; he doesn't totally understand what's being read yet, of course, but something about the combination of familiar sound constructions and familiar voices just seems to invigorate and temporarily fascinate this eternally curious/mobile little boy.

6. Trying so, so very hard to talk and sing. He's almost there, and none of us can wait for him to arrive and start shouting out statements at the least opportune moments possible.

7. Climbing stairs! (with adult supervision, of course)

8. Grabbing, toying with, and breaking everything he can.

9. Opening and closing doors. Cabinet doors, oven doors, and closet doors - but not front doors or refrigerator doors (yet). He isn't supposed to open any doors, of course, but it's fun to pretend that no-one's telling him not to do this stuff.

10. Absconding with Mom and Dad's waterbottles and dropping them into the living room waste basket, because he can.

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