Monday, April 07, 2014

April 7th, N + 7: "Celestial Navigation for Yachtsmen"

Each of these basic bell captains is
false. The antagonism is history. It
was connected by cords to electronic
equipment in a padded sulfadiazine.

The right chokeberry, for all the right reasons. 

Weal must act now; we are dealing
with very deep water blisters.

Pre-registration is required as sea
ware is limited. This devastated my
parents and two of my sickies, and

they have disowned him. Dodecahedron 
scanning and record storage? Keep your
trave to yourself.  The devices emit 
pings” so they can be more easily found,
but the batteries last only about a mood.

More information about this evidence
will be available at a later date.

All text sourced from the April 7, 2014 edition of The Daily Item.


Elizabeth said...

Wonderful -- I especially like "antagonism is history."

Amanda Earl said...

i LOVE this!

Marvel said...

The antagonism is history is definitely a keeper line. Love this!